Clicking noise when braking- Causes and Fixes!

Clicking noise when braking- Causes and Fixes!

Top 5 Causes of Clicking Noise When Braking

Clicking noise when braking- Causes and Fixes!

Hey there, have you ever experienced a clicking noise when braking? It can be annoying and even alarming at times. 

As someone who has been around cars for a while, I’ve seen and heard it all – from grinding noise when braking to noise when braking at low speed, scraping noise when braking, car makes noise when braking, clunking noise when braking, creaking noise when braking, and even knocking noise when braking.

But what causes this clicking noise when braking? Is there a fix for it? Stick around because, in this article; I’ll be exploring the causes and fixes for this common issue.

How to Diagnose a Car Making Noise When Braking?

Check the brake pads. If you hear a grinding noise when you apply the brakes, it could be that your brake pads are worn down and must be replaced.

Listen for noise while applying the brakes. If there’s a screeching sound when you press on your brakes, this could mean something wrong with them–like a leak in one of them or something stuck between them and the rotor (the part of your car’s wheel that turns).

Test out how well they work by taking it for a test drive around an empty parking lot or another flat surface where it won’t matter if you stop short or skid into something else on purpose; then apply gentle pressure to see if they work correctly without any issues like slipping or grabbing too hard so that nothing happens at all!

Clicking Noise When Braking: Causes

Brakes are one of the most critical safety features of a vehicle. Any unusual sound coming from the braking system can indicate a problem.

One such sound is a clicking noise when braking. This article will discuss the various causes of clicking noise when braking and solutions to fix the issue.

1.   Worn Brake Pads

One of the most common causes of clicking noise when braking is worn brake pads. Over time, the brake pads can become thin, and the metal backing can meet the rotor, producing a clicking noise when braking. This noise can occur when braking slowly or during standard braking.

2.   Loose Brake Components

If any brake components are loose, it can cause a clicking noise when braking. Loose brake pads, calipers, or rotors can rattle around and create a clicking noise. This can be dangerous as it can cause the brakes to malfunction.

3.   Sticky Calipers

Calipers are used for applying pressure to the brake pads. If the calipers become sticky, they can cause a clicking noise when braking.

Sticky calipers can also cause the brake pads to wear unevenly, which can lead to further problems down the line.

4.   Warped Rotors

Rotors are responsible for providing a surface for the brake pads to grip. If the rotors become warped, it can cause a clicking noise when braking.

Warped rotors can also cause the brake pedal to vibrate, and the vehicle may pull to one side while braking.

5.   Contaminated Brakes

If the brakes become contaminated with oil, grease, or brake fluid, it can cause a clicking noise when braking. Contaminated brakes can also cause the brake pedal to feel spongy or soft.

How to fix the clicking noise when braking? 

1.   Worn Brake Pads

Worn brake pads are the most common cause of clicking noises when braking and can be easily fixed.

To check for worn brake pads, look at the outer edge of your tires. If any rubber is left on them, you need to replace your brakes immediately because they’re not working correctly!

To replace your worn brake pads:

  1. Remove the wheel from the car.
  2. Use a wrench to remove the bolts holding the caliper in place.
  3. Slide the caliper off the rotor and remove the old brake pads.
  4. Install the new brake pads and slide the caliper back onto the rotor.
  5. Tighten the bolts to secure the caliper in place.
  6. Put the wheel back on and repeat for the other side.

2.   Loose Brake Components

If you ever hear a clicking noise when braking, it may be a sign that one or more of your brake components are loose.

To check for this problem:

Inspect the calipers (the parts that press against the brake pads) for any damage or cracks in their pistons. If there’s any damage, replace them immediately; if not, continue with step 2.

Look at your brake pads and rotors (the disc-shaped objects attached to each wheel). If they’re worn down significantly past their average thicknesses or have become warped beyond repair, it’s time to replace them with new ones–but only if this is an isolated problem affecting just one side of the car! 

3.   Sticky Calipers

Sticky calipers are a common cause of brake noise. The following signs can identify them:

When you apply the brakes, the grinding or clicking sound gets louder as you press harder on them.

The pads are not contacting the rotors evenly (one side may be more worn than the other).

To check for sticky calipers:

Remove one of your wheels and place it on a workbench or other sturdy surface to be at eye level.

Look at both sides of each pad; if there is any uneven wear, replace them with new ones from an auto parts store or mechanic shop–don’t try to salvage them!

4.   Warped Rotors

If you hear a clicking noise when you brake, it could be a sign of warped rotors. Warped rotors are caused by uneven wear on the surface of the rotor, which causes them to warp and rub against each other when you apply pressure to the brakes.

This rubbing creates friction and heat that can damage your pads, calipers, and other braking system parts over time.

To check and fix this problem:

With the car parked on level ground with wheels straight ahead (not at an angle), place an old coin or piece of paper under one tire to touch both sides of each brake pad (where they meet).

If there is any space between these two points, then this means that your rotors are warped!

To fix warped rotors causing clicking noises, it is best to replace them. Warped rotors can be caused by various factors, such as overheating or uneven wear, which can cause vibration and noise while braking. Resurfacing may be an option for slightly warped rotors, but if the problem is severe enough to cause clicking noises, it is recommended to replace the rotors.

5.   Contaminated Brakes

If you’re hearing a clicking sound when you brake, it could be that your brakes are contaminated. This can happen if they have yet to be regularly cleaned or serviced or if the pads have worn down too far and are hitting the rotors.

To check and fix this problem:

Remove the wheel from the car and inspect both sides of each pad for any signs of wear and tear (such as cracks). If there are any visible signs of damage, replace them immediately before continuing with this guide.

Final Words?

Final Thoughts

In my experience, it’s crucial to identify and fix any clicking noise when braking to ensure the safety and longevity of any vehicle.

Whether it’s due to worn brake pads, loose suspension components, or another issue, I suggest you promptly prevent further damage.

By consulting a trusted mechanic and following their recommendations, you can enjoy a smooth and quiet ride for miles to come.

So, if you ever hear a clicking noise when braking, don’t hesitate to address it immediately and keep my car running smoothly


A: A grinding noise when braking but the pads are acceptable can be caused by various issues such as dirty brake caliper slides, worn-out brake pads, or warped rotors.

Additionally, brake rotor discs can become damaged over time, leading to vibrations, and grinding noises. A proper diagnosis of the issue is necessary to determine the appropriate fix.

A: If your car makes a noise when braking at low speed, it could be due to worn brake pads, warped rotors, or a loose/worn suspension system. A mechanic can diagnose the issue and recommend the appropriate fix.

A: Due to worn brake pads or rotors, your car may make a scraping noise when braking. The noise is caused by the metal backing of the brake pad contacting the rotor.

It’s essential to have a mechanic inspect the vehicle to determine the exact cause and recommend the appropriate fix.

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